Adding custom infrastructure services to your project

As the FastIoT will take care of generating docker-compose.yaml files for your project and for integration tests it needs to know the services, e.g. databases, to load. Those services are named Infrastructure Service to differentiate them between FastIoT Services.

Various services are already preconfigured and you only need to add those to your project. See fastiot.cli.common.infrastructure_services for the services available.

To add your own service you have to follow a few basic steps:

  1. Create the Service inheriting either from fastiot.cli.model.infrastructure_service.InfrastructureService or if you only have some minor adjustments inherit from any service inheriting from fastiot.cli.model.infrastructure_service.InfrastructureService itself. You may add those class anywhere in your project. It is recommended to use something like

  2. Add the corresponding import, e.g. to your in your project root dir using the fastiot.cli.model.project.ProjectContext.extensions. Make sure this will really import the class.

You should now be able to add your infrastructure service to your deployment configurations.