Quick start

This should help getting started quickly. A more detailed description can be found in the tutorials.

It is always recommended to use a separate virtual environment for each project, so let’s create one: python3 -m venv venv and use it: source venv/bin/activate

Afterwards you can install FastIoT: python3 -m pip install fastiot

To setup a new project with the name my_first_project you can now run: fiot create new-project my_first_project

Within this repository you can find some sample services to use as template. Or you can simply ask the CLI to create a new services: fiot create new-service my_first_service. You should now find a service stub in your project to be extended with your application logic. The service will be added to the deployment “full” automatically.

You can now also create deployment configurations (e.g. a docker-compose.yaml) using fiot config and build containers for your project using fiot build.

As the service has been added to a deployment automatically you now start the service (with broker) with the command fiot start full. You should see the log messages from sending and receiving data. To cancel just press Ctrl + C.

For a more comprehensive list of features, a guide to the project structure please refer to the complete documentation.

To run services locally, in your IDE or within a container please refer to the tutorials section in this documentation.