Source code for fastiot.cli.commands.start

import getpass
import logging
import os
import subprocess
from typing import Optional, List

import typer

from fastiot.cli.commands.stop import stop
from fastiot.cli.constants import DEPLOYMENTS_CONFIG_DIR, FASTIOT_PULL_ALWAYS
from fastiot.cli.model.project import ProjectContext
from fastiot.cli.typer_app import app, DEFAULT_CONTEXT_SETTINGS

def _deployment_completion() -> List[str]:
    return ProjectContext.default.deployment_names

[docs]@app.command(context_settings=DEFAULT_CONTEXT_SETTINGS) def start(deployment_name: Optional[str] = typer.Argument(default=None, shell_complete=_deployment_completion, help="Select the environment to start."), service_names: Optional[List[str]] = typer.Argument(default=None, help="Optionally specify services to be started " "from the environment."), detach: bool = typer.Option(False, "-d", "--detach", help="Use to run this task in the background (detached)"), project_name: str = typer.Option('', help="Manually set project name for docker-compose"), use_test_deployment: Optional[bool] = typer.Option(False, help="Explicitly set the deployment_name to specified " "integration test deployment. Useful for the CI " "runner"), pull_always: bool = typer.Option(False, '--pull-always', help="If given, it will always use 'docker pull' command to pull images " "from specified docker registries before starting the services. ", envvar=FASTIOT_PULL_ALWAYS), ): """ Starts the selected environment. Be aware that the configuration needs to be built manually before using `fiot config`.""" context = ProjectContext.default if use_test_deployment: deployment_name = context.integration_test_deployment if not deployment_name: logging.warning("You have not configured any integration_test_deployment in your Exiting.") raise typer.Exit(0) if deployment_name is None: logging.error("You have to define an environment to start or use the optional --use-test-deployment!") raise typer.Exit(-1) cwd = os.path.join(context.project_root_dir, context.build_dir, DEPLOYMENTS_CONFIG_DIR, deployment_name) cmd = ["docker-compose"] project_name = project_name or getpass.getuser() + "__" + context.project_namespace + "__" + deployment_name cmd.append("--project-name=" + project_name) if pull_always: pull_cmd = cmd + ["pull"] exit_code =, cwd=cwd) if exit_code != 0: logging.warning("Pulling images was not successful. Trying to continue.") cmd.append("up") if detach: cmd.append("-d") if service_names is not None: cmd += service_names logging.debug("Running command to start the environment: %s", " ".join(cmd)) os.environ['COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT'] = '300' exit_code = 0 try: exit_code =, cwd=cwd) except KeyboardInterrupt: if not detach: stop(deployment_name=deployment_name, service_names=service_names, project_name=project_name, use_test_deployment=use_test_deployment) if exit_code != 0: logging.error("Running the environment failed with exit code %s", str(exit_code)) raise typer.Exit(exit_code)