Debugging message flow between services

Debugging nats messages with telnet

If you are not sure if your data is handled by the nats broker correctly you can use telnet for debugging.

Run telnet localhost 4222 (or whatever your configuration looks like) in the terminal.

Subscribe to topics with SUB my.topic 10 and you will see the messages passing by. Use a different number for each subscription.

Messages are msgpack encoded, so some values are easily human readable whereas some, like numbers, are encoded in non-printable characters (bitwise 0 for example for the number 0).

The topic is usually defined in the code like the following

class Thing(FastIoTData):
    name: str
    value: float

This block results in the subject name v1.thing, optionally amended by a (sensor) name (details at fastiot.core.data_models.FastIoTData.get_subject())

You may also use wildcards to subscribe on certain dot-seperated topics. E.g. to subscribe to all subjects within machine you can use subscribe to v1.* wich will result in v1.thing and machine.stuff but not in machine.thing.mysensor. Subscribe to v1.>` to get all topics below v1. For more details you may also consider the official documentation under

A more sophisticated approach using a docker image

Using telnet you will not see the decoded values, e.g. a numeric 0 will be a 0x00. For this purpose a little module is available. For documentation please see the fastiot_core_services.nats_logger