fastiot.cli.common package


fastiot.cli.common.docker_templates module

pydantic model fastiot.cli.common.docker_templates.PythonDockerTemplate[source]

fastiot.cli.common.infrastructure_services module

Infrastructure Services

This file contains all preconfigured infrastructure services. Those are easy to integrate just by adding their name into the infrastructure-services: key in your deployment.yaml.

pydantic model fastiot.cli.common.infrastructure_services.NatsService[source]

Service definition for the nats message broker.

Usually no configuration is needed for this service!

field name: str = 'nats'

Name of the external service, e.g. mariadb. Per convention these names should be in lower case

Validated by:
field image: str = 'nats:latest'

Name of the image

field ports: List[InfrastructureServicePort] = [InfrastructureServicePort(container_port=4222, default_port_mount=4222, env_var='FASTIOT_NATS_PORT')]

List of ports to assign to the service

pydantic model fastiot.cli.common.infrastructure_services.MariaDBService[source]

Definition of the Service to use MariaDB.

The environment variables are documented at fastiot.env.env.MariaDBEnv.

With the following steps you are able to provision your MariaDB with an initial SQL-File at the first start:
  1. Add a file like entry.sql to your deployment dir

  2. Add the environment variable FASTIOT_MARIA_DB_ENTRY to your .env in the deployment dir like FASTIOT_MARIA_DB_ENTRY='./entry.sql'

  3. Run fiot config to update your configuration.

See also

Working with databases

How to add databases to your service.

field name: str = 'mariadb'

Name of the external service, e.g. mariadb. Per convention these names should be in lower case

Validated by:
field image: str = 'mariadb:10.8'

Name of the image

field ports: List[InfrastructureServicePort] = [InfrastructureServicePort(container_port=3306, default_port_mount=3306, env_var='FASTIOT_MARIA_DB_PORT')]

List of ports to assign to the service

field environment: List[InfrastructureServiceEnvVar] = [InfrastructureServiceEnvVar(name='MYSQL_ROOT_USER', default='root', env_var='FASTIOT_MARIA_DB_USER'), InfrastructureServiceEnvVar(name='MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD', default='12345', env_var='FASTIOT_MARIA_DB_PASSWORD'), InfrastructureServiceEnvVar(name='MYSQL_INITDB_SKIP_TZINFO', default='yes', env_var='')]
field password_env_vars: List[str] = ['FASTIOT_MARIA_DB_PASSWORD']

List of environment variables containing a password. Those will be filled with random passwords for new projects automatically.

field volumes: List[InfrastructureServiceVolume] = [InfrastructureServiceVolume(container_volume='/var/lib/mysql', env_var='FASTIOT_MARIA_DB_VOLUME', default_volume_mount=None, tmpfs_for_tests=True), InfrastructureServiceVolume(container_volume='/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/entry.sql', env_var='FASTIOT_MARIA_DB_ENTRY', default_volume_mount='', tmpfs_for_tests=False)]

List of volumes to mount inside the service

pydantic model fastiot.cli.common.infrastructure_services.MongoDBService[source]

Definition of the service to use a MongoDB.

See also

Working with databases

How to add databases to your service.

field name: str = 'mongodb'

Name of the external service, e.g. mariadb. Per convention these names should be in lower case

Validated by:
field image: str = 'mongo:5.0'

Name of the image

field ports: List[InfrastructureServicePort] = [InfrastructureServicePort(container_port=27017, default_port_mount=27017, env_var='FASTIOT_MONGO_DB_PORT')]

List of ports to assign to the service

field environment: List[InfrastructureServiceEnvVar] = [InfrastructureServiceEnvVar(name='MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME', default='root', env_var='FASTIOT_MONGO_DB_USER'), InfrastructureServiceEnvVar(name='MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD', default='12345', env_var='FASTIOT_MONGO_DB_PASSWORD')]
field password_env_vars: List[str] = ['FASTIOT_MONGO_DB_PASSWORD']

List of environment variables containing a password. Those will be filled with random passwords for new projects automatically.

field volumes: List[InfrastructureServiceVolume] = [InfrastructureServiceVolume(container_volume='/data/db', env_var='FASTIOT_MONGO_DB_VOLUME', default_volume_mount=None, tmpfs_for_tests=True)]

List of volumes to mount inside the service

field compose_extras: List[InfrastructureServiceComposeExtras] = [InfrastructureServiceComposeExtras(option_name='mem_limit', env_var='FASTIOT_MONGO_DB_MEM_LIMIT', default_value='')]

Add additional infos to be added to the docker-compose file.

Caution: These parameters will not be checked! Make sure, that those do not make the docker-compose file invalid!

pydantic model fastiot.cli.common.infrastructure_services.MongoDB4Service[source]

Infrastructure service for a MongoDB in version 4.

This is the latest version to work with a Raspberry Pi 4 (s. for more details)

field name: str = 'mongodb4'

Name of the external service, e.g. mariadb. Per convention these names should be in lower case

Validated by:
field image: str = 'mongo:4.4.18'

Name of the image

pydantic model fastiot.cli.common.infrastructure_services.InfluxDBService[source]

Definition of the InfluxDB Service

See also

Working with databases

How to add databases to your service.

field name: str = 'influxdb'

Name of the external service, e.g. mariadb. Per convention these names should be in lower case

Validated by:
field image: str = 'influxdb:2.0'

Name of the image

field ports: List[InfrastructureServicePort] = [InfrastructureServicePort(container_port=8086, default_port_mount=8086, env_var='FASTIOT_INFLUX_DB_PORT')]

List of ports to assign to the service

field environment: List[InfrastructureServiceEnvVar] = [InfrastructureServiceEnvVar(name='DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_USERNAME', default='influx_db_admin', env_var='FASTIOT_INFLUX_DB_USER'), InfrastructureServiceEnvVar(name='DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_PASSWORD', default='mf9ZXfeLKuaL3HL7w', env_var='FASTIOT_INFLUX_DB_PASSWORD'), InfrastructureServiceEnvVar(name='DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_MODE', default='setup', env_var='FASTIOT_INFLUX_DB_MODE'), InfrastructureServiceEnvVar(name='DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ORG', default='FASTIOT', env_var='FASTIOT_INFLUX_DB_ORG'), InfrastructureServiceEnvVar(name='DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_BUCKET', default='things', env_var='FASTIOT_INFLUX_DB_BUCKET'), InfrastructureServiceEnvVar(name='DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ADMIN_TOKEN', default='12345', env_var='FASTIOT_INFLUX_DB_TOKEN')]
field password_env_vars: List[str] = ['FASTIOT_INFLUX_DB_TOKEN', 'FASTIOT_INFLUX_DB_PASSWORD']

List of environment variables containing a password. Those will be filled with random passwords for new projects automatically.

field volumes: List[InfrastructureServiceVolume] = [InfrastructureServiceVolume(container_volume='/var/lib/influxdb2', env_var='FASTIOT_INFLUX_DB_VOLUME', default_volume_mount=None, tmpfs_for_tests=True)]

List of volumes to mount inside the service

pydantic model fastiot.cli.common.infrastructure_services.TimeScaleDBService[source]

Definition of a TimeScaleDB Service

See also

Working with databases

How to add databases to your service.

field name: str = 'timescaledb'

Name of the external service, e.g. mariadb. Per convention these names should be in lower case

Validated by:
field image: str = 'timescale/timescaledb:latest-pg14'

Name of the image

field ports: List[InfrastructureServicePort] = [InfrastructureServicePort(container_port=5432, default_port_mount=5432, env_var='FASTIOT_TIME_SCALE_DB_PORT')]

List of ports to assign to the service

field environment: List[InfrastructureServiceEnvVar] = [InfrastructureServiceEnvVar(name='POSTGRES_USER', default='postgres', env_var='FASTIOT_TIME_SCALE_DB_USER'), InfrastructureServiceEnvVar(name='POSTGRES_PASSWORD', default='12345', env_var='FASTIOT_TIME_SCALE_DB_PASSWORD'), InfrastructureServiceEnvVar(name='POSTGRES_DB', default='fastiot_db', env_var='FASTIOT_TIME_SCALE_DB_DATABASE')]
field host_name_env_var: str = 'FASTIOT_TIME_SCALE_DB_HOST'

The environment variable setting the hostname. This variable needs special attention: When working in a local development environment this defaults to localhost. Within a docker network the value needs to be the docker-internal hostname.

field password_env_vars: List[str] = ['FASTIOT_TIME_SCALE_DB_PASSWORD']

List of environment variables containing a password. Those will be filled with random passwords for new projects automatically.

field volumes: List[InfrastructureServiceVolume] = [InfrastructureServiceVolume(container_volume='/var/lib/postgresql/data', env_var='FASTIOT_TIME_SCALE_DB_VOLUME', default_volume_mount=None, tmpfs_for_tests=True)]

List of volumes to mount inside the service

pydantic model fastiot.cli.common.infrastructure_services.RedisService[source]

Definition of the Redis Service.

See also


How to easily interact using the integrated RedisHelper.


Example service for sending and receiving data over a Redis Server.

field name: str = 'redis'

Name of the external service, e.g. mariadb. Per convention these names should be in lower case

Validated by:
field image: str = 'redis:7'

Name of the image

field ports: List[InfrastructureServicePort] = [InfrastructureServicePort(container_port=6379, default_port_mount=6379, env_var='FASTIOT_REDIS_PORT')]

List of ports to assign to the service

field environment: List[InfrastructureServiceEnvVar] = [InfrastructureServiceEnvVar(name='REDIS_PASSWORD', default='12345', env_var='FASTIOT_REDIS_PASSWORD')]
field password_env_vars: List[str] = ['FASTIOT_REDIS_PASSWORD']

List of environment variables containing a password. Those will be filled with random passwords for new projects automatically.

field volumes: List[InfrastructureServiceVolume] = [InfrastructureServiceVolume(container_volume='/data', env_var='FASTIOT_REDIS_VOLUME', default_volume_mount=None, tmpfs_for_tests=True)]

List of volumes to mount inside the service