Source code for fastiot_sample_services.producer.producer_module

import asyncio
import random
from datetime import datetime

from fastiot import logging
from fastiot.core import FastIoTService, loop, reply, ReplySubject
from fastiot.msg.thing import Thing

[docs]class ExampleProducerService(FastIoTService):
[docs] @loop async def produce(self): sensor_name = f'my_sensor_{random.randint(1, 5)}' value = random.randint(20, 30) subject = Thing.get_subject(sensor_name) await self.broker_connection.publish( subject=subject, msg=Thing( name=sensor_name, machine='FastIoT_Example_Machine', value=value, unit="m", timestamp=datetime.utcnow() ) )"Published %d on sensor %s", value, return asyncio.sleep(2)
[docs] @reply(ReplySubject(name="reply_test", msg_cls=Thing, reply_cls=Thing)) async def respond(self, topic: str, msg: Thing) -> Thing: """ Short demo on receiving a thing value and sending back the duplication of its value """"Received request on topic %s with message %s.", topic, str(msg)) new_thing_msg = msg new_thing_msg.value = 2 * msg.value return new_thing_msg
if __name__ == '__main__': ExampleProducerService.main()