Source code for fastiot_core_services.object_storage.mongodb_handler

from datetime import timezone
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Any

from bson.binary import UUID_SUBTYPE
from bson.codec_options import CodecOptions
from pymongo.collection import Collection

from fastiot.db.mongodb_helper_fn import get_mongodb_client_from_env

[docs]class MongoDBHandler:
[docs] def __init__(self): self._db_client = get_mongodb_client_from_env()
[docs] def health_check(self) -> bool: connected_nodes = self._db_client.nodes if connected_nodes is not None: return True return False
[docs] def get_database(self, name): if name is None: raise ValueError('database name is None, please assign a value') return self._db_client.get_database(name, codec_options=CodecOptions(uuid_representation=UUID_SUBTYPE, tz_aware=True, tzinfo=timezone.utc))
[docs] def drop_database(self, name): if name is None: raise ValueError('database name is None, please assign a value') self._db_client.drop_database(name)
[docs] def fsync(self): self._db_client.admin.command('fsync', lock=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_index(collection: Collection, index: List[Tuple[str, Union[int, Any]]], index_name: str) -> bool: """ Creates the defined index in the defined collection if the index does not exist. Otherwise, no changes will be done to the database to save time-consuming rebuilding of the index :param collection: Collection (instance, not name) to create index in :param index: Define index as wanted by pymongo create_index, eg. [(column_name, pymongo.ASCENDING)] Instead of pymongo.ASCENDING you can also write 1, DESCENDING is -1 :param index_name: Define a unique name for the index. This name will be used to check if index has already been created :returns: True if index has been created, False if index has been created already """ all_indices = [index['name'] for index in collection.list_indexes()] if index_name not in all_indices: collection.create_index(index, name=index_name) return True return False
[docs] def close(self): self._db_client.close()