Source code for fastiot.util.read_yaml

.. deprecated:: 0.9.29
   This module is deprecated. Please refer to :mod:`fastiot.util.config_helper` instead.
from typing import Union, Optional, Dict
from warnings import warn

from fastiot.core import FastIoTService
from fastiot.util.config_helper import _get_config_file_name as __get_config_file_name, read_config as _read_config

def _get_config_file_name(service: Union[FastIoTService, str]) -> Optional[str]:
    Find the yaml config file for the given service.

     .. deprecated:: 0.9.29
        Please use :meth:`fastiot.util.config_helper._get_config_file_name` instead now.
    warn('The method `` is deprecated. Please use '
         '`fastiot.util.config_helper._get_config_file_name` instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    return __get_config_file_name(service=service)

[docs]def read_config(service: Union[FastIoTService, str]) -> Dict: """ Load YAML-configuration files based on file (provide string) or, preferably, service. .. deprecated:: 0.9.29 Please use :meth:`fastiot.util.config_helper.read_config` instead now. """ warn('The method `` is deprecated. Please use ' '`fastiot.util.config_helper.read_config` instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return _read_config(service=service)