Source code for fastiot.msg.hist

""" Messages handling queries to databases with historic data (time series or object storage) """
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Optional, Union

from fastiot.core.data_models import FastIoTResponse, FastIoTRequest

[docs]class HistObjectResp(FastIoTResponse): """ This Class is used to answer the request for historical data. """ error_code: int = 0 """ error number """ error_msg: str = "" """ if an error occurred you can get a detailed description """ values: List[dict] """ the results of the request """
[docs]class HistObjectReq(FastIoTRequest): """ This class is used for requesting historical data of your data type. You can instance a HistObjectReq object like following: .. code:: python query_dict = {'test_index': 'test'} hist_object_req_msg = HistObjectReq(dt_start=dt_start, dt_end=dt_end, limit=10, subject_name=sanitize_subject('my_data_type'), raw_query=query_dict) More details about sanitize_subject_name() see :func:`fastiot.core.subject_helper.sanitize_subject_name` This subject_name inside the HistObjectReq is the subject_name, that your data type has. Your data, which will be saved in mongodb, always contains this subject_name: 'v1.my_data_type'. After instancing HistObjectReq, a subject for requesting historical data must also be instanced, with the name 'my_data_type'. .. code:: python reply_subject = hist_object_req_msg.get_reply_subject('my_data_type') Then you will have a ReplySubject object like: >>> ReplySubject(name='v1.hist_object_req.my_data_type', msg_cls=HistObjectReq, reply_cls=HistObjectResp) """ _reply_cls = HistObjectResp dt_start: Optional[datetime] """ is used to limit the time range. """ dt_end: Optional[datetime] """ is used to limit the time range. """ limit: Optional[int] = 100 """ will limit the number of results. """ subject_name: Optional[str] """ will search only the objects, which are saved under this subject_name. **CAUTION!** This is not the request-reply subject name. """ machine: Optional[str] """ is used to return only the value of the given machine """ sensor: Optional[str] """ is used to return only the value of the given sensor """ raw_query: Optional[Union[dict, str]] """ is an optional variable, you can also add your own query_dict, besides the default setting, which consists only `_subject` and `_timestamp`. Your default will be extended by query_dict, after ObjectStorage Service receives it. The handling of argument is subject to each service and may be handled different e.g. if using an InfluxDB time series storage or a MongoDB based object storage. """