Source code for fastiot.db.time_scale_helper_fn

import sys
import time

from fastiot import logging
from fastiot.env.env import env_timescaledb
from fastiot.exceptions import ServiceError

[docs]def get_timescaledb_client_from_env(): """ For connecting TimeScaleDB, the environment variables can be set, if you want to use your own settings instead of default: :envvar:`FASTIOT_TIME_SCALE_DB_HOST`, :envvar:`FASTIOT_TIME_SCALE_DB_PORT`, :envvar:`FASTIOT_TIME_SCALE_DB_USER`, :envvar:`FASTIOT_TIME_SCALE_DB_PASSWORD`, :envvar:`FASTIOT_TIME_SCALE_DB_DATABASE` *Attention*: You must have `libpq-dev` installed in your system (or your container), e.g. :command:`apt-get install libpq-dev`. >>> time_scale_db_client = get_timescaledb_client_from_env() """ db_client = get_timescaledb_client(, port=env_timescaledb.port, user=env_timescaledb.user, password=env_timescaledb.password, database=env_timescaledb.database ) return db_client
[docs]def get_timescaledb_client(host: str, port: int, user: str, password: str, database: str = None): try: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import psycopg2 from psycopg2 import OperationalError except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): logging.error("You have to manually install `fastiot[postgredb]` or `psycopg2>=2.9.3,<3` using your " "`pyproject.toml` to make use of this helper.") sys.exit(5) client_parameters = {"user": user, "password": password, "host": host, "port": port, "database": database} # We found that the postgres connection with docker sometimes failed, because of the env variables in # docker-compose.yaml are not really set. Try docker-compose up -d --force-recreate to start the test environment. sleep_time = 0.2 num_tries = 300 / sleep_time while num_tries > 0: try: db_client = psycopg2.connect(**client_parameters) return db_client except OperationalError: time.sleep(sleep_time) num_tries -= 1 raise ServiceError("Could not connect to TimeScaleDB")