Source code for fastiot.core.data_models

import inspect
from abc import ABC
import random
import re
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Type, Union, no_type_check, Optional, ClassVar

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic.class_validators import root_validator

from fastiot.core.subject_helper import MSG_FORMAT_VERSION, HIERARCHY, WILDCARD_SAME_LEVEL
from fastiot.core.time import ensure_tzinfo

[docs]class FastIoTData(BaseModel, ABC): """ Basemodel for all data types / data models to be transferred over the broker between the services. This is basically a Pydantic model with the additional handling of subjects. So any Pydantic model should work here, as long as it can be serialized using the library ``msgpack``. The subject is constructed from the model name, e.g. if your data model is called ``MySpecialModel`` a subject ``v1.my_special_subject`` will be created. If you want to have more control over the subject name you may overwrite the method :meth:`fastiot.core.data_models.FastIoTData.get_subject` in your data model or create a new model based on Pydantic’s :class:`pydantic.BaseModel`. See :ref:`publish-subscribe` for more details about publish and subscribe. For your own data models please use :class:`fastiot.core.data_models.FastIoTPublish` for data that is simply published over the broker. For Request and Response please use :class:`fastiot.core.data_models.FastIoTRequest` and :class:`fastiot.core.data_models.FastIoTResponse`. This class also implements the magic methode __setattr__, there is a known bug in BaseModel, the private attributes cannot be set with the @property, this overrode methode makes it possible. """ _handles_hierarchical_subjects : ClassVar[Optional[bool]] = None """ Set to False to define subjects not ment to handle hierarchies. This may e.g. the case for certain control messages targeted at one destination. Set to True if you expect a hierarchy like :class:`fastiot.msg.thing.Thing`. """ @classmethod def _get_subject_name(cls, name: str) -> str: """ :param name: Name of the subject to add to subject defined by class :return: Combined, sanitized name of the full subject :raises: RuntimeError """ # Convert CamelCase to snake_case subject_name = f"{MSG_FORMAT_VERSION}.{re.sub(r'(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])', '_', cls.__name__).lower()}" if name: subject_name += "." + name subject_name = subject_name.replace(" ", "") # remove spaces as they are invalid in subject name if cls._handles_hierarchical_subjects is False and \ (HIERARCHY in subject_name or WILDCARD_SAME_LEVEL in subject_name): raise RuntimeError("Subject `%s` contains a hierarchy. The data type `%s` is not ment to be used with " "hierarchical subjects.", subject_name, cls.__name__) if cls._handles_hierarchical_subjects is True and name == "": raise RuntimeError("Subject `%s` does not contain a hierarchy but the data type `%s` expects one.\n " "Please use name='my_sensor' to create a valid subject like `%s.my_sensor`.", subject_name, cls.__name__, cls.__name__) return subject_name
[docs] @root_validator def set_timezones(cls, values): for name, value in values.items(): if isinstance(value, datetime): values[name] = ensure_tzinfo(value) return values
@no_type_check def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Override this magic function to activate the @property setter """ try: super().__setattr__(name, value) except ValueError as e: setters = inspect.getmembers( self.__class__, predicate=lambda x: isinstance(x, property) and x.fset is not None ) if name in [setter[0] for setter in setters]: object.__setattr__(self, name, value) else: raise e
Msg = Union[FastIoTData, dict] MsgCls = Type[Msg]
[docs]class FastIoTPublish(FastIoTData, ABC): """ Base datatype for publishing data. Please refer to :ref:`tut-custom_data_types` for more information about creating your own data types. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_subject(cls, name: str = "") -> "Subject": """ This method returns the corresponding subject for the data model as :class:`fastiot.core.data_models.Subject`. :param name: The name of the subject. Please pay special attention to this parameter: The default is set to ``""``. This works well for data models without hierarchies. In this case you will just subscribe to ``v1.my_special_data_model``. If you use many sensors, like in the data model :class:`fastiot.msg.ting.Thing` you have to provide a name. Then you can subscribe to ``v1.thing.my_sensor``. If you want to subscribe to all sensors use ``*`` as name. See more in :ref:`publish-subscribe` """ return Subject( name=cls._get_subject_name(name=name), msg_cls=cls )
MsgPub = Union[FastIoTPublish, dict] MsgClsPub = Type[MsgPub]
[docs]class FastIoTResponse(FastIoTData, ABC): """ Base datatype for answering requests based on :class: `fastiot.core.data_models.FastIoTRequest`. Please refer to :ref:`tut-custom_data_types` for more information about creating your custom data types. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_subject(cls): raise NotImplementedError("A response does not listen to any subjects, thus `get_subject()` is not " "implemented.")
MsgResp = Union[FastIoTResponse, dict] MsgClsResp = Type[MsgResp]
[docs]class FastIoTRequest(FastIoTData, ABC): """ Base datatype for handling requests. Please refer to :ref:`tut-custom_data_types` for more information about creating your own data types. """ _reply_cls: Type[FastIoTResponse] """ This is the best way to describe the datatype (class) your request will be answered with. As an alternative you may manually define a :class:`fastiot.core.data_models.ReplySubject`. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_reply_subject(cls, name: str = "") -> "ReplySubject": """ This method returns the corresponding reply subject for the data model as :class:`fastiot.core.data_models.ReplySubject`. :param name: The name of the subject. Please pay special attention to this parameter: The default is set to ``""``. This works well for data models without hierarchies. In this case you will just subscribe to ``v1.my_special_data_model``. If you use many sensors, like in the data model :class:`fastiot.msg.ting.Thing` you have to provide a name. Then you can subscribe to ``v1.thing.my_sensor``. If you want to subscribe to all sensors use ``*`` as name. See more in :ref:`publish-subscribe` """ if not cls._reply_cls: raise TypeError("Reply class needs to be defined for class.") return ReplySubject( name=cls._get_subject_name(name=name), msg_cls=cls, reply_cls=cls._reply_cls )
MsgReq = Union[FastIoTRequest, dict] MsgClsReq = Type[MsgReq]
[docs]class Subject(BaseModel): """ General model to handle subjects for subscriptions within the framework. """ name: str """ Name of the subject, s. :meth:`fastiot.core.data_models.FastIoTData.get_subject` for details about subscription names.""" msg_cls: MsgCls """ Datatype the message will provide. """
[docs]class ReplySubject(Subject): """ Model for handle subject subscription which also have a reply to cls """ reply_cls: MsgCls """ Set to a datatype, not the default ``None`` to expect a reply in this datatype. """
[docs] def make_generic_reply_inbox(self) -> Subject: if self.reply_cls is None: raise ValueError("Cannot create generic inbox: reply_cls must not be none") return Subject( name='_INBOX' + str(random.randint(0, 1000000000)), msg_cls=self.reply_cls )
[docs] def get_reply_inbox(self, reply_to: str) -> Subject: if self.reply_cls is None: raise ValueError("Expected reply_cls to be not None") return Subject( name=reply_to, msg_cls=self.reply_cls )