Source code for fastiot.cli.version

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Douglas Creager <> with additions by Fraunhofer IVV, DD
# This file is placed into the public domain.
# Calculates the current version number.  If possible, this is the
# output of “git describe”, modified to conform to the versioning
# scheme that setuptools uses.  If “git describe” returns an error
# (most likely because we're in an unpacked copy of a release tarball,
# rather than in a git working copy), then we fall back on reading the
# contents of the RELEASE-VERSION file.
# To use this script, simply import it your file, and use the
# results of get_git_version() as your package version:
# from version import *
# setup(
#     version=get_git_version(),
#     .
#     .
#     .
# )
# This will automatically update the RELEASE-VERSION file, if
# necessary.  Note that the RELEASE-VERSION file should *not* be
# checked into git; please add it to your top-level .gitignore file.
# You'll probably want to distribute the RELEASE-VERSION file in your
# sdist tarballs; to do this, just create a file that
# contains the following line:

import logging
import os
import re
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from typing import Optional

GIT_UNSPECIFIED = "git-unspecified"

def _get_number_of_commits() -> int:
    with Popen(['git', 'rev-list', 'HEAD', '--count'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) as p:
        return int(p.stdout.readlines()[0].decode('ascii').strip())

def _call_git_describe() -> Optional[str]:
    with Popen(['git', 'describe', '--abbrev=7', '--tag'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) as p:
        result = p.stdout.readlines()
        if not result:
            return None

        return result[0].decode('ascii').strip()

def _call_git_branch() -> str:
    with Popen(['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) as p:
        return p.stdout.readlines()[0].decode('ascii').strip()

def _git_version() -> str:

        branch = _call_git_branch()
    except (IndexError, FileNotFoundError):
        # If git could not run (git not found, no git directory) readline[0] will fail with IndexError
        return GIT_UNSPECIFIED

    if branch == 'HEAD':
        branch = os.environ.get('GIT_BRANCH', 'main')

    for c in ['/', '-', '_']:  # Replace common separators by those accepted in PEP 440
        branch = branch.replace(c, '.')

    if not branch:  # if we have subtracted all chars, just name the branch unknown
        branch = 'unknown'

    # First try to get the current version using “git describe”.
    git_tag = _call_git_describe()

    if git_tag:
        # Match "[major].[minor]-[commits since tag as patch]" where the latest part "-[...]" is optional. Also a char
        # 'v' is optional at the beginning.
        match ="^v?(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:.(\d+)|)(?:-(\d+)-g[\w\d]+)?$", git_tag)
        if match:
            major =
            minor =
            patch_static =
            if not patch_static:
                patch_static = '0'
            patch =
            if not patch:
                patch = '0'
            patch = int(patch) + int(patch_static)
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid version tag '{git_tag}'.")

        logging.warning("No git tag has been set. Tag for version 0.0 is assumed and version 0.0.x will be created"
                        " for any following commits. Specify tag, e.g. 0.1, to remove this warning.")
        major = 0
        minor = 0
        patch = _get_number_of_commits()

    version = f"{major}.{minor}"
    if branch in ['master', 'main']:
        if patch > 0:
            version += f'.{patch}'
        version += f'.dev{patch}+{branch}'

    # Finally, return the current version.
    return version

def _version_file_version() -> Optional[str]:

    def get_file():
        for root, _, files in os.walk(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'src')):
            if "" in files:
                return os.path.join(root, "")

    file = get_file()
    if file is None:
        return None  # We did not find anything better
        with open(file) as file:
            file_contents =
            regex = r"__version__ ?= ?[\"\'](.*)[\"\']"
            version =, file_contents, re.MULTILINE)[1]
            return version
    except:  # Could not open file or find a suiting match
        return None

[docs]def create_version_file(destination: Optional[str]): """ Creates a file with __version__=… :param destination: Destination path (full filename) to put the generated file. """ version = get_version(complete=True) file_contents = f"__version__ = '{version}'\n" # Don’t overwrite anything that might be better than 'git_unspecified' if not (version == GIT_UNSPECIFIED and os.path.isfile(destination)): with open(destination, "w") as f: f.write(file_contents)
[docs]def get_version(complete=False, only_major=False, minor=False) -> str: """ Returns the current version depending on the git commits and tags or version file :param complete: Set to true to get the full version including dev, e.g. 1.4+dev10 :param only_major: Set to true to get only the major version, e.g. 1.x :param minor: Set to true to only get the minor version, e.g. .4 :return: String with version """ assert complete + only_major + minor <= 1, "Only one option for version output can be selected" if not (complete or only_major or minor): # Nothing was selected complete = True # Set some useful default version = _git_version() if version == GIT_UNSPECIFIED: version = _version_file_version() or version if complete: return version if only_major: return version.split('.')[0] if minor: parts = version.split('.') return f"{parts[0]}.{parts[1]}"
if __name__ == '__main__': get_version(complete=True)