fastiot_core_services.dash package

This Module is able to show live data received from nats (‘Things’) collected by sensors in a web application. Via callbacks a link from the web application back to the data bank shown is given. Classes HistoricSensor and LiveSensor were added to modularise the code. By setting HistoricSensor, this module will provide a link to download the historic data from the interval you selected.

To use this module some information is required:

Connection information to the database must be modified.

To show your data create a yaml file, like in the example below. The start and end date of the first call of setup_historic_sensors Must be defined in the yaml file too. When you change the date for historic sensors in the Web interface the time will be set to 00:00 of the given date. (You have to take this into account when requesting data)

If not data is shown make sure that all environmental variables are set correctly. This concerns manly the connection data, like Ip address, port, the name of the Db or the collection name.

necessary yaml file

subject_name: 'thing.*' or 'thing.>' # this subject_name defines in which format the message is subscribed.
#dashboards shown in the web applications.
initial_start_date: now-30:00:00   #initial date shown in historic data. This can be set with either one of these
initial_end_date: now              #formats:now, now-hh:mm:ss or Iso- Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
dashboards:                        #list of dashboards is used, to add another graph add to the list
  - name: Temperature of test      #name shown in the web application
    live_data: True                #False-> data is shown in the historic data format and taken out of data bank,
                                   #True -> data is shown in live data format and taken from nats-subscriptions
    refresh_time: 1000             #how fast data gets updated in ms, used only in live_data
    time_shown: 120                #for live data the maximum interval shown
    customer: a_customer           #customer to identify the sensor
    db: mongodb                    #write here what type of db your data is written in [mongoDB, influxDB] supported
    sensors:                       #list of sensors, to add another sensor to be shown in this graph add to the list
     - name: sensor_1              #name, module and machine used to identify the sensor. all are currently required
       machine: example_sam_m1     #the name is also used to name the trace in the graph
       module: a_module
     - name: sensor_2
       module: a_module
       machine: example_sam_m1
  - name: Influx_Test
    live_data: False
    refresh_time: 1000000
    time_shown: 120
    customer: a_customer
    db_type: influx
     - name: PM3-JWCO.opr:me
       machine: a_machine
       module: a_module
     - name: 36QM14.LF:av
       machine: a_machine
       module: a_module
     - name: 36QM14.CC:av
       machine: a_machine
       module: a_module
  - name: Pressure_Test
    live_data: False
    refresh_time: 1000000
    time_shown: 120
    customer: a_customer
    db_type: mongodb
     - name: temp_1
       machine: a_machine
       module: a_module
     - name: temp_2
       machine: a_machine
       module: a_module
     - name: temp_3
       machine: a_machine
       module: a_module



fastiot_core_services.dash.dash_module module

fastiot_core_services.dash.env module

class fastiot_core_services.dash.env.DashModuleConstants[source]
property dash_host: str
property dash_port: int module

fastiot_core_services.dash.utils module