Source code for fastiot.util.read_yaml

""" Providing methods to import yaml configuration per service"""

import logging
import os
from typing import Optional, Dict, Union

import yaml

from fastiot.core.service import FastIoTService
from fastiot.env import env_basic

def _get_config_file_name(service: Union[FastIoTService, str]) -> Optional[str]:
    Find the yaml config file for the given service.

    If both service.yaml and service_id.yaml exist, service_id.yaml will be preferred.

    :param service: service to load the config for (preferred) or name of the config file.
    :return: Filename. May be None if no file was found.

    if isinstance(service, str):
        config_file = os.path.join(env_basic.config_dir, f"{service}")  # Look for file in SAM config
        if os.path.isfile(config_file):
            return config_file
        if (service.startswith("/") or service.startswith(".")) and os.path.isfile(service):
            # An absolute or relative path was provided, so we don’t have to look in the service configuration
            return service

        logging.getLogger("yaml_config").warning("Provided config file %s could not be found.", service)
        service_name = service.__class__.__name__
        service_id = service.service_id

        config_file_per_service = os.path.join(env_basic.config_dir, f"{service_name}.yaml")
        config_file_per_instance = os.path.join(env_basic.config_dir, f"{service_name}_{service_id}.yaml")

        if os.path.isfile(config_file_per_instance):
            return config_file_per_instance
        if os.path.isfile(config_file_per_service):
            return config_file_per_service

        logging.getLogger("yaml_config").warning("No configuration for service %s was found in %s!",
                                                 service_name, env_basic.config_dir)
    return None

[docs]def read_config(service: Union[FastIoTService, str]) -> Dict: """ Load YAML-configuration files based on file (provide string) or, preferably, service. It is possible to read the configuration for a service instantiated multiple times. If both service.yaml and service_id.yaml exist, service_id.yaml will be preferred. Use the environment variable :envvar:`FASTIOT_SERVICE_ID` to set the individual service id for a service. Also see :ref:`configuration_for_service` for more information about handling configurations. Example passing your service to get a filename configuration automatically: >>> from fastiot.core import FastIoTService >>> from fastiot.util.read_yaml import read_config >>> >>> class MyService(FastIoTService) >>> >>> def __init__(self, **kwargs) >>> super().__init__(**kwargs) >>> my_config = read_config(self) :param service: service to load the config for (preferred) or name of the config file. :return: Dictionary with the loaded configuration. May be empty if no configuration was found. """ config_file = _get_config_file_name(service) if config_file is None: return {} try: with open(config_file) as file: result = yaml.safe_load(file) except: logging.getLogger("yaml_config").warning("Could not open or parse yaml file %s", config_file) return {} if not result: logging.getLogger("yaml_config").warning("Could not parse yaml file %s", config_file) return {} logging.getLogger("yaml_config").info("Successfully read configuration %s", config_file) return result