Source code for fastiot.db.redis_helper

import logging

import redis

from fastiot.core.serialization import serialize_to_bin, serialize_from_bin
from fastiot.env.env import env_redis
from fastiot.msg import RedisMsg

[docs]class RedisClient: client = None
[docs]async def connect_redis(): client = redis.Redis(, port=env_redis.port) return client
[docs]async def get_redis_client(): if RedisClient.client is None: RedisClient.client = await connect_redis() return RedisClient.client
[docs]class RedisHelper: """ Saves files in the redis Database and sends the ID of the files as :class:`fastiot.msg.redis.RedisMsg`. You can send files by using :meth:`send_data` you must specify the data to send and the subject under which the data should be published. The max number of Datasets you can store at once is specified by :var: `max_data_sets` . If you add a Dataset above the given limit the first Dataset stored is deleted. When you have problems that an ID is overwritten before you accessed the data you can change the :var:`id_buffer` to have more Ids before an ID is reused. You can access the stored data with :meth:`get_data`. The Id of the Data has to be provided. and the returned data will be deserialized with :meth:`fastiot.core.serialization.serialize_from_bin`. .. seealso:: :mod:`fastiot_sample_services.redis_producer` Example service for sending and receiving data over a Redis Server. :class:`fastiot.cli.common.infrastructure_services.RedisService` The infrastructure service definition for the Redis Server. """
[docs] def __init__(self, broker_connection): self.broker_connection = broker_connection self.used_ids = [] self.max_data_sets = 100 """ The max number of Datasets you can store at once """ self.id_counter = 0 self.id_buffer = 2 """ :var:`max_data_sets` * :var:`id_buffer` is the total number of Ids, used before an id is overwritten """
async def _create_id(self) -> int: if self.id_counter >= (self.max_data_sets * self.id_buffer): self.id_counter = 0 while self.id_counter in self.used_ids: self.id_counter = self.id_counter + 1 self.used_ids.append(self.id_counter) return self.id_counter
[docs] async def send_data(self, data, subject): database_id = await self._create_id() client = await get_redis_client() data = serialize_to_bin(data.__class__, data) await self.delete() client.set(name=database_id, value=data) await self.broker_connection.publish( subject=subject, msg=RedisMsg(id=database_id))"Saved data at %d from %s", database_id,
[docs] async def get_data(self, address: str): client = await get_redis_client() return serialize_from_bin("".__class__, client.get(address))
[docs] async def delete(self): client = await get_redis_client() while len(self.used_ids) > self.max_data_sets: delete = self.used_ids[0] client.delete(delete) self.used_ids.remove(delete) logging.debug("Removed Data with Id %d", delete)
[docs] async def deleteall(self): client = await get_redis_client() while len(self.used_ids) > 0: delete = self.used_ids[0] client.delete(delete) self.used_ids.remove(delete) logging.debug("Removed Data with Id %d", delete)