Source code for fastiot.cli.commands.nuitka_compile

""" Command to compile services and packages with Nuitka """
import importlib
import logging
import os.path
import subprocess
import sys
from importlib.util import find_spec

import typer

from fastiot.cli.typer_app import DEFAULT_CONTEXT_SETTINGS, extras_cmd

[docs]@extras_cmd.command(context_settings=DEFAULT_CONTEXT_SETTINGS) def nuitka_compile(package_name: str = typer.Argument(default=None, help='The package to compile, e.g. `fastiot`'), src_dir: str = typer.Option(default='src', help="The location of source files", exists=True, file_okay=False), out_dir: str = typer.Option(default='output', help="The location for output files. It is relative to src_dir"), install_nuitka: bool = typer.Option(default=False, help="Will try to install Nuitka using pip.")): """ Compiles the selected path as .so file using nuitka. Please make sure to have Nuitka installed as this is an optional dependency. """ if install_nuitka:"Trying to install Nuitka for you, please be patient!") exit_code ="/usr/bin/env python3 -m pip install -U nuitka".split(), cwd=src_dir) if exit_code != 0: logging.warning("Failed to install Nuitka!") try: importlib.import_module("nuitka") except ImportError: logging.error("You have to install the package nuitka manually using `pip install nuitka` for this command " "to be working or try using the option `--install-nuitka`") sys.exit(3) if package_name is None: raise NameError("No package_name set.") if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(src_dir, package_name)): raise FileNotFoundError( f"The `{package_name}` could not be found in the specified source directory `{src_dir}`!") recommended_packages = [] all_packages = [package_name] all_packages += [p for p in recommended_packages if find_spec(p) is not None] nuitka_options = f"--python-flag=no_site --remove-output --no-pyi-file --output-dir={out_dir} --lto=yes --module" recurses = " ".join(["--include-package=" + x for x in all_packages]) nuitka_cmd = f"/usr/bin/env python3 -m nuitka {nuitka_options} {recurses} {package_name}" exit_code ="{nuitka_cmd}".split(), cwd=src_dir) sys.exit(exit_code)