Managing dependencies

Managing your dependencies is crucial for your project.

The basic recommendations for Python (and other languages) are the following:
  • Keep the dependencies to your library as open as possible, to avoid the “dependency hell” for others importing your library. If you tie your versions very tight, other projects may run in trouble resolving all tight dependencies.

  • Fix the versions you are using for your builds. This will result in reproducible and thus stable builds.

FastIoT will help you to keep track of both if you follow the conventions:

Loose requirements in library

Add your requirements loosely to pyproject.toml. When setting up a new project this file will be automatically created. For older projects you may use the command fiot create pyproject-toml. This command will also use the requirements already specified in the directory requirements and add it to your pyproject.toml.

Attention: Do not change your requirements.txt to manage dependencies.

Fixed dependencies for builds

Use the command fiot config to create a requirements.txt with fixed requirements matching the current setup at the time run. If you have specified additional requirements separate files will be created in the directory requirements. Already fixed versions will not be changed. You may consult the pip-tools homepage at to get further information on the pip-compile command.

To upgrade to the latest packages use the command fiot config --update-requirements. This will check if there are updated versions of packages matching your requirements specified in pyproject.toml. Don’t forget to test your code afterwards and add the changed files to git!

Additional requirements / Optional dependencies

If you have any optional dependencies needed e.g. only for one container or in special use cases of your library you may define those in your pyproject.toml. See the official documentation at for more information on this topic.

Example of adding additional requirements to your project:
my_addition = [
    "another lib",

Within FastIoT you can use the optional dependencies in your Service Manifest - manifest.yaml with the attribute name fastiot.cli.model.manifest.ServiceManifest.additional_requirements