Setting up your first FastIoT Project

There are some basics steps to follow to create your first project


Following prerequisites are needed on a development machine:

  • Python Version 3.10.x installed (should work with Python 3.8+ as well though not tested)

  • Docker installed

  • docker-compose installed

  • Internet access for * Public Docker Repository _Docker Hub_ * apt-Repository (for Linux Debian Stretch to install Packages in Docker Images) * for python-library

Setup Project

  1. Create a new project directory

  2. Change to this directory, e.g. cd myproject

  3. Create Python Virtual Environment: python3.10 -m venv venv

  4. Activate VEnv: source venv/bin/activate

  5. Install FastIoT: pip install fastiot

  6. Create basic directory structure for your project: fiot create new-project my_project_name
    • For more options about creating projects see fiot create new-project --help

  7. Create a first service if you want to: fiot create new-service a_service

  8. If working with PyCharm you have to Mark the generated src directory as “Sources Root”

    For more information on PyCharm please refer to Setting up PyCharm for development