fastiot.util.read_yaml module

Providing methods to import yaml configuration per service


Load YAML-configuration files based on file (provide string) or, preferably, service.

It is possible to read the configuration for a service instantiated multiple times. If both service.yaml and service_id.yaml exist, service_id.yaml will be preferred. Use the environment variable FASTIOT_SERVICE_ID to set the individual service id for a service.

Also see Configuration for a service for more information about handling configurations.

Example passing your service to get a filename configuration automatically:

>>> from fastiot.core import FastIoTService
>>> from fastiot.util.read_yaml import read_config
>>> class MyService(FastIoTService)
>>>     def __init__(self, **kwargs)
>>>         super().__init__(**kwargs)
>>>         my_config = read_config(self)

service (Union[FastIoTService, str]) – service to load the config for (preferred) or name of the config file.

Return type:



Dictionary with the loaded configuration. May be empty if no configuration was found.