fastiot.util.object_helper module

fastiot.util.object_helper.parse_object(dic, data_model)[source]

This function will help you convert a dictionary to an instance, of which the class inherits FastIoTData or BaseModel.

my_dict = {'name': 'test_dict', 'value': 123}

obj = parse_object(my_dict, MyDataModel)
>>> MyDataModel(name='test_dict', value=123)
Return type:

Optional[Type[Union[FastIoTData, BaseModel]]]

fastiot.util.object_helper.parse_object_list(dict_list, data_model)[source]

This function helps you to convert a list of dictionaries to a list of instance, of which the class inherits FastIoTData or BaseModel

my_dict_list = [{'name': 'test_dict_1', 'value': 123}, {'name': 'test_dict_2', 'value': 23}]

obj_list = parse_object_list(my_dict_list, MyDataModel)
>>> [MyDataModel(name='test_dict_1', value=123), MyDataModel(name='test_dict_2', value=23)]
Return type:

Optional[List[Type[Union[FastIoTData, BaseModel]]]]