fastiot.core.service_annotations module

Decorator functions to add the basic functionality to FastIoT Services


Decorator method for methods subscribing to a subject. The decorated method must have either one or two arguments:

  • subscribe_something(message: Type[FastIoTData])

  • subscribe_something(subject_name: str, message: Type[FastIoTData])

See Publish, subscribe, request and reply in your service for more details.


subject (Subject) – The subject (fastiot.core.data_models.Subject) to subscribe.


Decorator for methods replying on the specified subject. This works similiar to fastiot.core.service_annotations.subscribe() but you have to return a Msg as a reply message.


subject (ReplySubject) – The subject to subscribe to for sending replies


Decorator function for methods to run continuously. This will basically create a “while True loop” wrapper around the provided function. This is purely syntactic suggar for run_task.

Your method needs to return an awaitable that is awaited after each loop execution before the next iteration. However, the returned awaitable does not finish if a service shutdown is requested. It uses self.run_coro under the hood. But it is guaranteed, that the annotated loop function is awaited and not interrupted if a shutdown is requested.


@loop async def log_still_running(self):“Service is still running.”) return asyncio.sleep(10.0)