fastiot.cli.commands.config module

fastiot.cli.commands.config.config(deployments=<typer.models.ArgumentInfo object>, tag=<typer.models.OptionInfo object>, docker_registry=<typer.models.OptionInfo object>, net=<typer.models.OptionInfo object>, pull_always=<typer.models.OptionInfo object>, use_test_deployment=<typer.models.OptionInfo object>, port_offset=<typer.models.OptionInfo object>, use_port_import=<typer.models.OptionInfo object>)[source]

This command generates deployment configs. Per default, it generates all configs. Optionally, you can specify a config to only generate a single deployment config. All generated files will be placed inside the build dir of your project.

For each service the docker images will be executed to import the manifest.yaml file. Therefore, if you want to build one or more deployments you have to be logged in and connected to the corresponding docker registries or build the images locally.